Lawn care

5 Best Lawn Fungicides in 2025: How to Make a Choice



by Bryan Mckenzie


Home » Lawn care » 5 Best Lawn Fungicides in 2022: How to Make a Choice
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Having a lawn at your home yard looks very cozy and beautiful. However, its beauty can be destroyed by various dark, yellow, or white patches. If you noticed such areas, then, most probably, you have the lawn fungus. The grass, similar to fruits and vegetables, is very vulnerable to harmful pathogens. Therefore, today, we will talk about the best lawn fungicide, how to choose one, and how to apply it. In addition, I have prepared a list of TOP-5 remedies that I consider to be the best options for killing a variety of lawn fungal diseases. Let’s start with them!

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5 Best Grass Fungicides Reviewed

  1. Scotts GrubEX1 – the Best Killer for White Patches
  2. BioAdvanced 701270A – Super-Effective Liquid Fungicide for Lawns
  3. Scotts DiseaseEx Lawn Fungicide – Broad Spectrum Disease Prevention
  4. No products found. – the Best Lawn Fungus Treatment
  5. Spectracide Immunox Fungus Plus Insect Control For Lawns – the Best Granular Fungicide for Lawns


In this section, I collected the best yard fungicides I have ever tried. All of them can help you to get rid of harmful fungal pathogens quickly. By the way, do you know that almost any lawn contains the fungus? But the pitfall is that not all the types are the causes of its serious diseases, most of them are completely harmless. Hence, here I list only the remedies that can kill all harmful and undesired lawn pathogens. To tell you about every product in details, I decided to make a plan:

     ? In the first several lines, I am going to tell you about the company that produced the lawn fungicide;
     ? Then, we will discuss the product and its unique characteristics;
     ? Finally, I will make a short resume about everything I’ve told before and compose the table with the item’s pros and cons.

1. Scotts GrubEX1 — the Best Killer for White Patches 4.5/5 

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Scotts specializes in the manufacturing of the broad range of pest control products, including those which can damage the lawn. Besides these items, the company’s assortment includes the seeds, spreaders, lawn food, watering, cleaners, and so on. Scotts specialized in the manufacturing of products at affordable prices, but it does not influence their quality. In addition, the company makes different sales and special offers on some of the products on a regular basis. Therefore, maybe, you will be lucky and purchase the one at an attractive price.

Scotts Grub Killer for lawns is available in two sizes: a bottle for 5,000 square feet and a bottle for 1,000 square feet. By the way, the price is calculated according to the number of bottles you are going to purchase: the more you buy, the lower the price per bottle is going to be. Even if you do not have any white, yellow, or brown patch fungicide, I recommend you to use this remedy to prevent their appearance. In fact, the most vulnerable state of grass is during the spring or in early summer. Hence, if you apply this fungicide for lawns during this time, it will help you to prevent grubs for the next four months. The next advantage is that the company provides the money-back guarantee if the grub killer does not help you. GrubEx1 is the improved formula of another GrubEx Killer by Scott that kills four times more grub types. Besides the fungus, the remedy can also kill harmful pests, including white grub, caterpillar, chinch bugs, etc.

  • The improved formula kills 25% more grubs;
  • It can get rid of other pests, not only fungus;
  • Affordable price;
  • Prevents the appearance of a range of harmful bug
  • Shipping outside of America can be quite expensive.

2. BioAdvanced 701270A — Super-Effective Liquid Fungicide for Lawns 4/5 

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BioAdvanced is the subsidiary of the SBM company that was established in France in 1994. Today, it operates in more than 20 countries across the world. I like the SBM business approach: they decided to make the whole spectrum of surveys, seeking for innovations, marketing, and delivering to the end customers. Therefore, they always hire scientists and academics from various fields, and their products are science-based. BioAdvanced creates a broad range of products in the following categories:

     ? Lawn fertilization and protection;
     ? Weeds killing;
     ? Plants growing;
     ? Pests control remedies, and so on.

This systemic lawn fungicide acts in two directions: treating and preventing. If you notice some strange areas that can be the evidence of lawn diseases, apply the BioAdvanced fungicide immediately. The earlier you do it, the faster these patches will disappear. If you decide to use this remedy to prevent the problems with lawn, then I advise you to apply the remedy during the spring or in the first days of the summer. For the best result, you should also follow the basic rules:

     ? If your lawn is very dry, then, water it first and wait before the lawn dries;
     ? Only after this step, apply the remedy and water the lawn;
     ? The water helps the fungicide killer to penetrate in the root zone;
     ? Children and pets can step into the processed area only after the lawn has been watered and dried.

  • In my opinion, it is the best brown patch treatment;
  • The lawn fungicide helps to prevent the appearance of harmful pathogens in the grass;
  • One bottle can treat up to 5,000 square feet.
  • It is not shipped to all countries and regions.

3. Scotts DiseaseEx Lawn Fungicide — Broad Spectrum Disease Prevention 4.3/5 

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This is another product by Scotts on my list. As I have told you about the company earlier, I do not want to dwell on it here. Better, let’s talk more about the product itself.

DiseaseEx Lawn Fungicide starts working very fast, only after 24 hours after the appliance. Although the manufacturer had positioned its product as a broad-spectrum one, I noticed that it worked best with the brown patches, not white or yellow. The unique and specially designed systemic formula controls the lawn condition up to four weeks. Compared to other products in the Scotts assortment, it is not a brilliant result. But the main advantage of the product is that it prevents the appearance and can easily get rid of various 26 types of diseases. The usage instruction is very simple:

     ? Firstly, you need to count the square of the damaged area. Note, that one bag covers up to 5,000 square feet;
     ? Then, mix the product with water;
     ? Apply it on the lawn.

  • Good price;
  • Large covering area;
  • Fast-acting.
  • It protects the lawn only during the four weeks.

4. Propiconazole 14.3% Fungicide — the Best Lawn Fungus Treatment 4.4/5 

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This product is my favorite. In my opinion, it is the most effective remedy if we are talking about lawn treatments. But, as we agreed above, I will provide a comprehensive description of the remedy after the company-manufacturer. Martin’s brand is included in the structure of Control Solutions Inc. Besides Martin’s, it also holds two more brands: Quali-Pro and Control Solutions Inc. All of them are specialized in the manufacturing of chemical goods to get rid of a variety of pests. Martin’s company was established in 1904. The main characteristics of this brand are:

     ? The narrow specialization in the products for small or even tiny insects;
     ? Affordable prices;
     ? The products are very effective and help to make the job quickly done.

Before we move on, I want to mention that although Martin’s fungicide is a broad-spectrum remedy, the most effective is the one with the brown patches that are caused by the rhizoctonia solani. One bottle weighs about 1.25 pounds, and the dimensions are 7.8 x 3.9 x 2 inches. The main active ingredient is propiconazole. It accounts for 14.3% of the total mass of the product. This propiconazole 14.3% Fungicide can be used in a variety of soils and lawn types, including plantations, ornamental beds, turf grasses, conifer farms, soil applications, nurseries, and through irrigation systems. The instruction is very simple: you just need to dilute the product with water in proportion to 0.5 ounces of fungicide per gallon of water. It is sufficient to treat approximately 1,000 square feet.

  • It can be used for a variety of soils and lawns;
  • This product is the best lawn fungicide for brown patch;
  • Affordable price.
  • The product is the best-seller; therefore, it is hard to buy it.

5. Spectracide Immunox Fungus Plus Insect Control For Lawns — the Best Granular Fungicide for Lawns 4.3/5 

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The last product I want to describe is Fungus Control by Spectracide. If you remember, it is a science-based and innovative company that has its own research center. Spectracide specializes in manufacturing a broad range of pest controls and sells them at attractive prices.

This fungus control remedy covers 5,000 square feet and prevents the following diseases: red thread, dollar spot, brown patch, anthracnose, Bermuda grass decline, rust, and others. Similar to DiseaseEx by Scotts, this Lawn Fungicide guarantees protection for one month only after spreading. By the way, it is important to apply the remedy on the dry lawn only. After that, you should water the grass and wait until it dries. Then, the grass is completely harmless – your children and pets can play on it.

  • Prevents a broad range of possible lawn diseases;
  • Attractive price;
  • Large covering area.
  • It guarantees the protection of a lawn only for one month.

Scotts-GrubEx1-Grub-Killer for-Lawns

In this section, I decided to answer the most popular questions I always hear from my friends and readers. As I have already told you a lot about lawn fungicides in the product’s review section, I will provide only short answers here.

When to Apply Fungicide on Lawns?

The best conditions for developing various lawn diseases are warm temperatures (from 75 to 90 °F) and a high level of humidity. Therefore, your grass is the most vulnerable during the late spring or early summer. I always recommend my friends to apply the fungicide on the lawn no matter whether you have the sign of the grass diseases or not during this period of time.

What Kind of Fungicide to Use on the Lawn for Brown Patch?

Brown patches, as well as white or yellow ones, always appear during the hot and humid weather conditions. It is the common diseases and problems of home lawns. Therefore, you need to follow the grass health attentively. There are two main types of lawn fungicide:

     ? Granular;
     ? Liquid.

Despite the fact that most lawn treatments are broad-spectrum and act against several grass pests, it is recommended to use those fungicides that were designed specifically for brown patches. Commonly, the manufacturers write this information on the package. You can use both liquid and granular treatments. But as my personal practice shows, the granular fungicides are more effective against the brown patches than liquid ones.

Will Fungicide Kill Grass?

First of all, let’s figure out what a fungus is. It is nothing more than the outdoor mushroom that can have different colors: white, yellow, brown. What are fungicides? They are the remedies that were specially designed to fight against those outdoors mushrooms. There are two types of such lawn fungicides: those that act like a treatment and those preventing the fungus’ appearance. In the vast majority of cases, one product combines both functions. On the other hand, organic fungicide for lawns does not use any toxic ingredients that can damage your lawn. Moreover, it contains the minerals and vitamins that nourish the lawn and make it free from various diseases and pests.

Should You Water Lawn After Applying Fungicide?

There are different types of fungicides, such as granular, sprays, liquid, and so on. Each of the products has its own principle of acting. But the vast majority of lawn treatments are systemic fungicides, including those that I described in my review. To kill the funguses, they need to be absorbed into the grass. Today, it is the most effective way to fight against funguses. Therefore, it is important to water the lawn after you apply the remedy to ensure its effectiveness. Do not forget to wait for the grass to dry until you step on it.

Can I Apply Fungicide and Fertilizer at the Same Time?

I would not do it. As the vast majority of fungicides contain their own nourishing ingredients, it is important to wait a couple of days when they penetrate the lawn and begin to act. Moreover, some of the fertilizers do not require watering after their application, while the fungicides need it.

Any Questions Left?

In the conclusion section, I would like to sum up everything that was said before:

     ? The brown, white, and yellow patches are the signs of lawn diseases;
     ? The grass becomes the most vulnerable in the spring or during the first week of summer;
     ? Systemic fungicides are the most effective way to treat the lawn;
     ? Do not forget to water the soil after fungicide spreading.

Have you ever faced the funguses on your lawn? How much time did you need to treat it? What are your perfect methods of lawn care that you can recommend? Share your answers in the comments below!

Bryan Mckenzie
Hi there — my name is Bryan McKenzie. Before I’d got into gardening, I worked as a landscape designer at landscape design and consultation company in Jacksonville. I enjoy sharing the vast gardening experience I’ve accumulated throughout the years with like-minded green thumbs. Read more about me and my wife.
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